MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSThis daily gummy contains two simple ingredients:Delta-8 THC (Hemp Derived): 8 mgFull Spectrum CBD: 30 mgCertificate of AnalysisHOW IT WORKSThis gummy vitamin contains Delta-8 THC and pure Full Spectrum CBD. These...$54.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSThis daily supplement includes one simple ingredient: 1500mg of tart cherry extract. This concentrated superfruit promotes joint health, pain relief, and oxidative support within the body.Certificate of AnalysisHOW IT...$34.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSTurmeric Root with Curcumin (95% Curcuminoids) 1000mgGinger Root Extract 1000mgPalmitoylathanolamide (PEA) 300mgPiperine 10mgCertificate of AnalysisHOW IT WORKSCurcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric...$40.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSClinical Dosing:Chromium Chloride – 50mcgL-Cysteine HCL – 400 mgNMN – 400 mgTart Cherry Extract – 500 mgB1 (Thiamine) – 25 mgVitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) – 300 mgZinc (Zinc bisglycinate) – 50 mgHOW IT WORKSRapidly...$29.99
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSThis daily supplement includes one simple ingredient: 500mg of NMN (B-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide).NMN has been able to suppress age-associated weight gain, enhance energy metabolism and physical activity, improve...$74.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSThis daily supplement includes one simple ingredient: 600mg of Alpha-Lipoic Acid.ALA has a strong history of use for the natural treatment of neuropathic pain and is a great addition to your routine for managing...$34.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSClinical Dosing:Palmitoylathanolamide (PEA) – 600mgChlorella (Algae Super Food) 400mgLuteolin – 100mgNAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine) – 300mgResveratrol – 400mg(std. To 98% Pure Trans-Resveratrol (sourced from Polygonum...$64.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSFormulated with the clinically recommended dosing to make a difference and fill nutritional gaps.Tart Cherry 800mgGABA 50mgFull Spectrum CBD 30mgChamomile Extract 6mgCertificate of AnalysisHOW IT WORKSTart Cherry...$40.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSClinical Dosing:CBD Isolate (20mg)Calcium (as calcium carbonate) (900mg) (360mg Elemental)Magnesium (as magnesium oxide) (300mg) (180mg Elemental)Hemp Seed Powder (80mg)Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) (1000mg)Vitamin D3...$40.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSNew & Improved Clinical Dosing:Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) 1:1 – 1000mgL-Tyrosine 1:1 – 400mgLion’s Mane Mushroom – 1000mgChaga Mushroom – 1000mgReishi Mushroom – 1000mgCordyceps Mushroom – 1000mgCaffeine –...$40.00