How Alpha-Lipoic Acid Can Help With Diabetes Symptom Management

How Alpha-Lipoic Acid Can Help With Diabetes Symptom Management

Hi – I’m Dr. Meredith Warner, orthopedic surgeon, functional medicine physician, Air Force veteran, and founder of Well Theory. In my private practice in Louisiana, I treat a substantial amount of patients with diabetes. In the deep south, we love our fried foods, king cakes and crawfish. These things may taste good but they are awful for your long term wellness.   

While I can’t completely get away from prescription drugs for the treatment of neuropathy in every case, I do love to recommend my patients take ALA or Alpha-Lipoic Acid. My goal is to bring more awareness to those with diabetes that it’s critical that they eat better, take proper supplements, and exercise- even if it’s just a walk after a meal.
Most of the available medications are inadequate and have significant side effects. The normal group of medications used for neuropathic pain includes antidepressants, opioids, and anticonvulsants.

I think ALA is a great place to start!


Alpha-Lipoic Acid is an excellent supplement that provides powerful oxidative support – which can benefit those living a variety of lifestyles.

However, ALA is an essential supplement for those seeking to naturally help manage symptoms of their diabetes – particularly neuropathic pain. Here’s how it works:

ALA is also referred to as the “universal antioxidant” due to its water- and fat-solubility. This means that it can impact every cell in your body, giving you universal protection from free radicals.

When you’re stressed, exposed to toxins, don’t get enough sleep, or simply aren’t creating enough of your own antioxidants, free radicals can outnumber antioxidants – resulting in oxidative stress. This causes damage to cells and plays a role in aging.

ALA was first identified in the 1950s, and now has been discovered to be not only antioxidant – but helpful in promoting your body’s production of its own antioxidants, particularly glutathione. And in Germany, ALA has been used to naturally relieve symptoms associated with diabetic neuropathy for more than 30 years.

I love ALA, I am not diabetic and I take it every day because it has such a high antioxidant capacity.

Supplementing with Alpha-Lipoic Acid is a great way to both increase your antioxidant intake and encourage your body to produce its own antioxidants.

Alpha-lipoic acid normalizes the endoneurial activity of an important functional enzyme (Na-K-ATPase). It also improves the uptake of Myo-inositol in the nerve cells. This is generally depleted in the hyperglycemic state. Additionally, alpha-lipoic acid increases the glucose uptake and the ability of the cell to produce energy.


A healthy diet and lifestyle is the most important factor in controlling blood sugar – which is essential for managing diabetes and slowing the progression of complications that follow, such as diabetic neuropathy.

Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage that occurs if you have unchecked diabetes. This condition can cause pain and tingling in the hands and feet (though more commonly the feet,) and over time can lead to more serious complications.

Fight Nerve Pain

If diabetic neuropathy is left unmanaged, those suffering from this type of nerve damage can lose feeling, form ulcers and sores, develop broken bones and may even need to amputate feet or limbs if the damage progresses without intervention.

There are a few studies that indicate Alpha-Lipoic Acid supplementation may be just as, if not more effective than some prescription treatments for diabetic neuropathy pain.

One study found that “Alpha-lipoic acid seems to delay or reverse peripheral diabetic neuropathy through its multiple antioxidant properties.”

This makes ALA supplementation not only an excellent source to help some in managing the pain, burning, tingling, and numbness of peripheral diabetic neuropathy, but makes it a great preventative supplement to take as well!
Alpha-Lipoic Acid - Diabetes + Nerve Pain + Weight Support
ALA is unique because it supports your body’s natural free radical scavenging systems and can also recycle the antioxidant vitam1ins C and E, extending their function.

As you reduce inflammation levels in the body, you may start to see your neuropathic pain go away and your overall health improve.


Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Alpha-lipoic acid is neuroprotective and wards off damaging free radicals that may contribute to nerve damage – but it’s not the only diabetes symptom that it can address. This supplement has also been shown to improve fasting blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity.

It works by increasing your cellular intake of sugar (glucose uptake)- and helps them more effectively turn sugars into energy. It has also shown promise in improving blood flow in those with diabetes, which can lessen the risk of ulcer-related complications in those suffering from diabetic neuropathy.

So not only does ALA help relieve nerve pain complications associated with diabetes – it can assist in making your diabetes more easily manageable, which will result in fewer complications, like diabetic neuropathy, overall.

Of course, this cannot be considered a treatment or cure for a disease, but the basic science and clinical evidence is clear; ALA is a great way to augment your current plans for managing your problems with diabetes and neuropathy.

Weight Management + Energy Support

Diabetic symptoms, like inflammation and insulin sensitivity, have as much impact on your weight as they do on your pain receptors.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) offers a natural solution to both pain relief and weight management!

Thanks to ALA’s natural anti-inflammatory properties, its effects on Leptin and AMPK, and its energy-boosting benefits, this daily supplement can curb your appetite and give you the fuel you need to lead an active lifestyle.
Dr. Meredith Warner Orthopedic Surgeon


Dr. Meredith Warner is the creator of Well Theory and The Healing Sole. She is a board-certified Orthopedic Surgeon and Air Force Veteran.

She is on a mission to disrupt traditional medicine practices and promote betterment physically, spiritually and mentally to many more people. She advocates for wellness and functional health over big pharma so more people can age vibrantly with more function and less pain.

At Well Theory, Our surgeon-designed products are FDA Registered and formulated to help people:

  • Manage the symptoms of musculoskeletal pain
  • Recover vibrantly from orthopedic related surgeries
  • Fill the gaps in our daily diets
  • Manage pain associated with inflammation