Here's Why You Should Take Alpha-Lipoic Acid For Cellular Energy April 9, 2022

Here's Why You Should Take Alpha-Lipoic Acid For Cellular Energy April 9, 2022

When you think about your energy levels, you probably think about the fatigue that happens in the middle of your day, typically after lunch. Or the way you feel after a difficult workout. Or sometimes, though rare, you simply don’t feel like rising from your bed and starting the work day. You likely think this is because you have not had caffeine yet, that you may be sick, or perhaps you had a little too much fun the night before.


What probably doesn’t come to mind, however, is cellular fatigue. If the billions of cells that comprise the human body do not make enough energy to perform the billions of daily duties required of those cells, then overall you will feel fatigued. Today, we’re going to talk about why fighting cellular fatigue is so important – and how our line of surgeon-developed supplements can help keep your cellular energy at an optimal level.


The mitochondria in your cells are what converts things like oxygen, food, etc., into energy that is usable by your cells. From there, your organs, immune system, and more all use the energy produced by your cells’ mitochondria to function appropriately. Think of the mitochondria as the engine, or the refinery of the cell.

The mitochondria produce your energy in the form of a molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is made after the refining of food-stuffs by the mitochondria. ATP is the primary mode of fuel utilized by the body. This process of refining glucose and other food into ATP naturally produces waste products called reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are a necessary part of the fuel production process at the cellular level, but we produce too many an we don’t have enough methods to handle the waste in our cells. This leaves your mitochondria at especially high risk of oxidative stress.

When your mitochondria break down oxygen molecules to produce ATP, this process releases free radicals (aka ROS). Free radicals are molecules that are missing one or more electrons, and as they try to restore their own neutrality (pairing with other electrons,) they move through the body and your cells, causing damage in their wake. Nature does not like an unpaired electron; these are very damaging. They can cause molecules of other compounds in your body to disintegrate, promoting oxidative stress.


Oxidative stress is an interruption in the natural balance of free radicals and antioxidants in your system. Free radicals are a normal part of your body’s energy production, but when they outnumber antioxidants in your body, oxidative damage occurs. Oxidation of cell membranes, proteins and DNA happen when there are too many unpaired electrons floating around. It is mandatory to control the levels of oxidation in the cell to control health, wellness and aging.

Oxidative damage can accelerate your aging, produce low-grade inflammation in your body, promote brain fog, a lack of energy, and harm immune health. Almost every feature of aging starts with reactive oxygen species.

Here’s one way to avoid oxidative stress:

Supplement With Antioxidants

Antioxidants are molecules that fight free radicals in your body. They pair with unstable free radicals, neutralizing them and preventing them from harming other molecular compounds within your body.

A great way to get antioxidants is through a diet high in vegetables and fruits. Richly pigmented fruits and vegetables, like tart cherries, blueberries, and leafy greens, are naturally high in antioxidants. Another way of improving your antioxidant intake is through supplementation.


Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an excellent supplement for increasing your antioxidant intake and cellular health – and should be taken daily per your physician’s advice.

This antioxidant is found in meat products, and common vegetables like spinach and broccoli.

It has the unique ability to maintain its oxidative function even after losing an electron. Most antioxidants aren’t able to do this unless they take another electron from an outside molecular compound. Because of this, it helps to restore antioxidants in the body.


But its benefits don’t end there. It’s also well-known for its role in nerve damage repair, and promising studies have shown that it may help with symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

Alpha-Lipoic acid also helps mitochondria break down glucose for the production of energy, which assists with glucose metabolism that diabetics may struggle with.

But its benefits don’t end there. It’s also well-known for its role in nerve damage repair, and promising studies have shown that it may help with symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

Alpha-Lipoic acid also helps mitochondria break down glucose for the production of energy, which assists with glucose metabolism that diabetics may struggle with. While ALA has not been proven as a treatment for diabetes, it has been proven to assist with glycemic control at the source.

Because of this, ALA may help enhance the body’s ability to use insulin, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels.

In addition to this, it can help to restore and repair microscopic nerve damage that is common in diabetics. Diabetes-induced neuropathy can be life-threatening, painful, and difficult to manage without the assistance of heavy pharmaceuticals. ALA offers a healthy alternative with little to no side effects.

If you choose to take this supplement to support your plan for any condition, we always recommend consulting with your physician first.

By using antioxidants like ALA to boost energy production within your mitochondria, you can help boost your physical strength, repair nerve damage, reduce inflammation, and reduce oxidative damage.

Dr. Meredith Warner, Orthopedic Surgeon


Dr. Meredith Warner is the creator of Well Theory and The Healing Sole. She is a board-certified Orthopedic Surgeon and Air Force Veteran.

She is on a mission to disrupt traditional medicine practices and promote betterment physically, spiritually and mentally to many more people. She advocates for wellness and functional health over big pharma so more people can age vibrantly with more function and less pain.

At Well Theory, Our surgeon-designed products are FDA Registered and formulated to help people:

  • Manage the symptoms of musculoskeletal pain
  • Recover vibrantly from orthopedic related surgeries
  • Fill the gaps in our daily diets
  • Manage pain associated with inflammation