What Are Antioxidants?
You’ve probably heard the buzz around antioxidants and how they help fight free radicals. But what are they? Do you need antioxidant supplements to achieve optimal health and longevity? We’ll answer these critical questions. But first, we need to delve into oxidative stress and the damage it causes.
Oxidative Stress:
Oxidative Stress:
This is one of the core issues affecting our health today, so it’s crucial to understand the implications for overall health and wellness.
Not all types of bodily stress are bad. For example, when you exercise or take cold plunges, it stresses your system. However, this type of short-term stress can actually be beneficial and protect you from infection and disease. On the other hand, chronic oxidative stress is dangerous and produces free radicals and causes symptoms such as muscle and joint pain, memory loss, brain fog, impaired eyesight, headaches, and more.
What Are Free Radicals?
What Are Free Radicals?
Free radicals are molecules with an unpaired electron. Unpaired electrons don’t normally exist in nature and desperately seek to form a pair with any other available electron. Free radicals are formed as by-products from normal metabolic functions of our cells and are even helpful in small amounts. These often perform critical functions in communications and signaling. But the trouble starts when levels of these unpaired electrons start to exceed your innate number of antioxidants. Antioxidants provide the balance that unpaired electrons need. They scavenge the extra electrons to protect the cell. When the balance is disrupted, free radicals attack DNA, cell membranes, and proteins. Then inflammation, aging, pain, diabetes, and other degenerative conditions ensue.
Can we minimize oxidative stress?
Can we minimize oxidative stress?
In our modern world, we’re assaulted and overwhelmed by stress and toxins daily. So, the goal is to rebalance our system. Certain lifestyle changes such as avoiding smoking, avoiding excessive alcohol, and eating a healthy diet can help mitigate damage. Trying to avoid consuming or breathing toxins in the environment helps as well.
Other causes of oxidative stress include:
Air pollution
Medications (even Tylenol)
Mental stress
Lack of sleep (this is when the body repairs itself)
High blood sugar levels
Highly processed diets, excess sugar, bad oils
The job of antioxidants is to slow the oxidation process and minimize the amount of free radical damage in your system. These compounds are found in foods like blueberries, pecans, artichokes, sweet potatoes, spinach, coffee, and even dark chocolate (made from 70% or higher cacao).
But with most people consuming a standard American diet (SAD), foods alone fall short of protecting us. You’ve likely heard about the popular antioxidants such as CoQ10 and vitamins A, C, and E. Some other powerful antioxidants include:
- Glutathione is one of the antioxidants your body makes. It helps break down nutrients, regulate immune response, and protect against oxidative stress
- ALA (alpha lipoic acid) helps glutathione regenerate itself
- Metal Carrier Proteins absorb harmful extra metals such as iron in our system
- Chlorella is also helpful for removing metals
These are just a few of the antioxidants available in Well Theory products. Dr. Warner’s complete line of antioxidant supplements contains the vital nutrients you need to enjoy optimal health, wellness, and longevity.
Do I Need To Supplement?
Do I Need To Supplement?
Unless you consume a perfect diet and have zero stress in your life, the answer is likely yes. It’s impossible to avoid the massive onslaught of oxidative stress we face in our daily modern lives. Now that you have a better understanding of oxidative stress and the damage it does, you are better informed to evaluate the benefits of daily supplements.
Here Are A Few Of Our Popular Antioxidant Supplements To Try:
Here Are A Few Of Our Popular Antioxidant Supplements To Try:
Resveratrol: Revitalize Cells + Heart Health + Anti-Inflammatory
Resveratrol: Revitalize Cells + Heart Health + Anti-Inflammatory
Not only an antioxidant but also an anti-inflammatory powerhouse that reduces inflammation throughout the body and in the brain. It also boosts mitochondrial and metabolic health and slashes the risk of age-related degenerative diseases so you can enjoy optimal aging.
Tart Cherry Extract: Inflammation & Muscle Recovery
One of Dr. Warner's favorite antioxidants because of its potent anti-inflammatory properties that help combat free radicals. It is a well-known antioxidant. Use tart cherry extract in place of risky NSAIDs which can cause liver damage and other harmful side effects. This supplement is highly recommended to help manage the pain associated with oxidative damage.
Nervous System Multivitamin: Omega 3, PEA, Resveratrol, Green Algae, NAC
Another powerful antioxidant and pain reliever that lowers inflammation, oxidative stress, and toxins. Also contains Omega 3, Algae, Resveratrol, PEA, and more to fully support your nervous system and brain function while reducing inflammation.
Dr. Meredith Warner is the creator of Well Theory and The Healing Sole. She is a board-certified Orthopedic Surgeon and Air Force Veteran.
She is on a mission to disrupt traditional medicine practices and promote betterment physically, spiritually and mentally to many more people. She advocates for wellness and functional health over big pharma so more people can age vibrantly with more function and less pain.
At Well Theory, Our surgeon-designed products are FDA Registered and formulated to help people:
- Manage the symptoms of musculoskeletal pain
- Recover vibrantly from orthopedic related surgeries
- Fill the gaps in our daily diets
- Manage pain associated with inflammation