Why This Orthopedic Surgeon Recommends Brain Booster Series

Hi, Dr. Meredith Warner here:
Let me give a quick introduction before we dive into the details about the Liver Complex. I am an orthopedic surgeon, Air Force veteran, and founder of Well Theory.
For years, I’ve helped my patients take control of their health with root-cause medicine, optimally avoiding invasive surgeries, costly treatments and improving the quality of life they share with loved ones.
I’m excited about our Brain Booster Series, because it features two supplements aimed at improving energy and focus.
Both my Energy and Focus supplements contain ingredients to help you tackle the tasks at hand, and can improve your long-term cognitive health.
These unique blends not only boost energy and enhance brain function, but they also support healthy stress levels and improve overall well being.
A lot of energy products have a bad rap, but these Brain Booster supplements are a natural way to enhance brain function and productivity. And I want to be clear – restful sleep, exercise and proper diet are some of the best ways to improve your cognitive function. However, this isn’t always achievable and sometimes we need a little extra push in the right direction.
"Extending your mental health and clarity is the key to leading a longer, more fulfilling life."
Helps boost your ability to quickly and accurately recall memories while safeguarding you from brain fog and degenerative mental diseases.
Protects your neurons from cell death and oxidative stress while stimulating brain health – relieving brain fog and improving clarity + mental focus.
Brain Booster: Energy
It’s my goal to help my patients, and you, function at a higher level. We can’t do this if we’re bogged down with low energy levels and forgetfulness.
My Brain Booster: Energy can give you that initial pick-me-up that some of us need in the morning. I know a lot of us rely on coffee in the morning, and this isn’t a bad option – if you’re taking yours without sugar, cream, and flavored syrups.
This supplement contains 150mg of caffeine, more than a regular cup of coffee, without the temptation of inflammation inducing sugar. We also offer a caffeine free option for those who are sensitive to caffeine.
While it may be easier to notice the effects of caffeine, Energy contains other ingredients that can improve your memory and reduce cognitive decline over extended periods of time. I’ve included Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) and L-Tyrosine for this purpose.
I’ve also added Chaga, Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps Mushrooms. Not only do these improve mental clarity and brain function, but they can help you handle stress – so stressors aren’t getting in the way of your ability to carry out daily tasks.
"As we age, a decline in memory performance is inevitable. However, there are many ways to safeguard your memory health from home."
Brain Booster: Focus
My Focus supplement helps keep you mentally on track, so you can operate at a higher level of cognitive function.
I’ve included Huperzine A and Guarana Extract to improve mental performance. Huperzine A is also great for memory recall and learning. Noopept and Rhodiola Rosea work synergistically to improve cognitive stamina and function.
Rhodiola has been studied for its ability to enhance ADHD treatments as well. Rhodiola will balance the cortisol system and also enhance dopamine production. This is especially beneficial because sometimes it’s our mood that impacts our ability to focus. That’s why I’ve included Ashwagandha and Bacopa Monnieri as well, for their natural ability to reduce stress levels.
Bacopa Monnieri is also shown to improve symptoms of ADHD, which can help streamline productivity.
As you can see, these supplements not only help you in the moment, but they can have lasting positive impacts on your ability to function.
“My goal is to help people age better, age fitter, and enjoy their old age. We’re all going to get old. You can’t stop that.”
Meredith Warner, MD

I want to see all my patients, and you, achieve long, active and fulfilling lives.
The cognitive benefits of my Brain Booster Series can have a profound impact on your overall lifestyle and wellbeing. If you’re able to maintain brain health and energy, even as you get older, you’ll be able to enjoy life longer.
Your future health and lifestyle is about the foundation you lay right now.
Taking natural supplements can help you establish a foundational health, alongside a regular diet and exercise routine.
I don’t want you to be bogged down by mental decline in your later years. I truly believe that establishing a healthy lifestyle now can extend your mental and physical capabilities, so you can have more quality time with your family and loved ones.
How to get results with natural medicine
1. Have a mindset of wellness over time: Don’t Expect It To Feel Like A Synthetic Drug. The timeline for better health with natural medicine is longer than with synthetic pharmaceuticals.
2. Addressing Root Cause: Natural remedies attempt to address the root causes, or the cellular beginnings of a given problem, pain, or inflammation. Naturally, this will take a bit longer and be less noticeable initially. But the results are wonderful.
3. Few Known Side Effects: My Well Theory products are formulated with higher doses of plant-based ingredients to deliver steady results over time – without the harmful side effects found in traditional pharmaceutical applications.
4. Get Blood Work Done: There are inflammatory markers you can check to determine your progress.
5. I Take Everything We Make: I wholeheartedly believe in the power of natural supplements.