MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSThis daily gummy contains two simple ingredients:Delta-8 THC (Hemp Derived): 8 mgFull Spectrum CBD: 30 mgCertificate of AnalysisHOW IT WORKSThis gummy vitamin contains Delta-8 THC and pure Full Spectrum CBD. These...$54.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSClinical Dosing:Boswellia Serrata Extract – 50 mgBromelain – 50 mgPalmitoylathanolamide (PEA) – 300 mgHOW IT WORKSOur Arthritis Gummies is a unique formulation that can help you reduce pain and inflammation without...$35.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSClinical Dosing:Ashwagandha – 400 mg5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) – 200 mgFull Spectrum Cannabigerol (CBG) – 8 mgFull Spectrum Cannabinol (CBN) – 10 mgPassion Flower – 300 mgCertificate of AnalysisHOW IT WORKSOur...$38.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSFormulated with the clinically recommended dosing to make a difference and fill nutritional gaps.Tart Cherry 800mgGABA 50mgFull Spectrum CBD 30mgChamomile Extract 6mgCertificate of AnalysisHOW IT WORKSTart Cherry...$40.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSThese ingredients work together to reduce inflammation as you rest, soothe racing thoughts, help you fall asleep quickly, and stay asleep longer.Tart Cherry 750mgMelatonin 5mgGABA 100mgChamomile Extract 6mgHOW IT...$40.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSThese highly antioxidant ingredients work together to provide foundational support for enhanced cellular function and energy production.Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)- 150mgTart Cherry Extract – 500mgChaga Mushrooms –...$40.00
MEDICAL GRADE INGREDIENTSThese ingredients work together to provide foundational support for enhanced cellular function and energy production.B-1 (thiamine) 1.16mgB-2 (riboflavin) 2.5mgB-3 (niacin) 16mgB-5 (pantothenic acid) 5.5 mgB-6...$40.00
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