How A Diabetes Drug Increases Life Expectancy

How A Diabetes Drug Increases Life Expectancy

Metformin was approved by the FDA as recently as 1995, and has since become the most common medicine for type 2 diabetes. It was discovered in 1922. It is traditionally made from goat’s rue or French lilac (Galega officinalis). This herb contains a lot of guanidine; this was shown in 1918 to reduce blood sugar. The Europeans were the first to approve and use Metformin for diabetes. Europe used this drug as early as 1958. It took another 36 years before the FDA would allow it to be used in the USA. Also in Europe, the long-term benefits of Metformin for cardiovascular health were discovered in 1998.

However, it’s also beneficial for those who don’t have diabetes. This has been discovered even more recently. Its ability to reduce blood glucose levels and improve overall metabolic health appeals to those looking to prevent chronic disease and increase life expectancy. 


Metformin has been shown to activate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). As an energy sensor, AMPK helps the body achieve energy homeostasis, and potentially reduces the effects of cellular aging. Metformin also upregulates SIRT1. SIRT1 is heavily involved in DNA repair.

Metformin’s ability to improve energy levels can assist with weight loss and other markers of metabolic health, like cholesterol and blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Metformin can also reduce the risk of other diseases through its ability to lower blood glucose levels, contribute to healthier blood vessels and provide antioxidant benefits.

This is because high blood sugar can lead to an abnormally high level of reactive oxygen species, or free radicals, within the body. These free radicals are highly reactive, unstable molecules that will cause cellular, DNA and RNA damage.

They can even lead to cell death. High blood sugar also leads to advanced glycation end products (AGE). These are damaging proteins that are formed naturally when there is too much sugar around. Metformin protects from AGE induced nerve dysfunction in diabetics.

When cells are damaged within the body, this triggers an inflammatory response. An inflammatory response is normal for short periods of time, but chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on the body.

Chronic, low-grade inflammation can result in cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases like dementia.

The antioxidant benefits of Metformin can neutralize free radicals, therefore reducing oxidative stress and inflammation levels throughout the body.

All of this as part of a healthy lifestyle can lead to a longer and healthier life.


One of the biggest downsides to Metformin is the need for a prescription. Doctors may not be inclined to prescribe Metformin for its anti-aging abilities.

And if you are able to get a prescription for Metformin, it may cause gastrointestinal issues or nausea. While these symptoms are typically mild, they can be disruptive to your routine.

So, what if Metformin isn’t an option?

Thankfully, Berberine offers a natural method to achieve similar goals. Berberine is a plant and functions like the French lilac plant. According to research, this natural supplement can reduce blood glucose levels just as well, if not better than Metformin. It can also activate AMPK and improve all five markers of metabolic health.

Berberine: General Health + Blood Sugar Control + Fight Belly Fat

That’s why Dr. Warner included Berberine in her Longevity Series – because everyone should have a say in their health and lifespan. We do not advocate that anyone think to replace their Metformin with Berberine without a discussion with the treating physician. We also do not advocate that anyone take any natural substance for health without a discussion with the treating physician.  

Dr. Meredith Warner, Orthopedic Surgeon


Dr. Meredith Warner is the creator of Well Theory and The Healing Sole. She is a board-certified Orthopedic Surgeon and Air Force Veteran.

She is on a mission to disrupt traditional medicine practices and promote betterment physically, spiritually and mentally to many more people. She advocates for wellness and functional health over big pharma so more people can age vibrantly with more function and less pain.

At Well Theory, Our surgeon-designed products are FDA Registered and formulated to help people:

  • Manage the symptoms of musculoskeletal pain
  • Recover vibrantly from orthopedic related surgeries
  • Fill the gaps in our daily diets
  • Manage pain associated with inflammation