Why It's Important For a Post-Activity Muscle Recovery Routine

Our muscles and joints go through some pretty hefty wear and tear, whether you are following through a strenuous workout of just running your daily errands.

If you are not giving them care they need, both before and after activity, you may be at greater risk of experiencing pain and inflammation, developing a sports injury, or weakening your muscles and tissues.

How can you promote healthier muscles and joints and help them to recover from daily strain? We’ve got some simple tips you can follow for post-activity recovery.

Signs You Need a Better Muscle Recovery Routine

Muscle Pain: Muscle Recovery 101

Muscle Pain

Physical activity can strain your muscles and make them less flexible. Without a post-activity recovery routine, this can cause muscle pain and increase the risk of further injury.
Inflammation: Muscle Recovery 101


Inflammation is a natural part of muscle and tissue recovery for replenishment, but it can also lead to further damage if inflammation levels are not kept under control.
Joint Stiffness: Muscle Recovery 101

Joint Stiffness

Physical activity can leave your joints stiff and difficult to move. Relieve the stiffness and inflammation after activity with cold compresses or anti-inflammatories.
Foot & Ankle Pain: Muscle Recovery 101

Foot & Ankle Pain

Muscle strain and tension in your feet and lower legs can built up as your exercise or run daily errands. Make sure to stretch out your muscles to avoid lasting pain and tightness!

Here's How To Promote Post-Activity Muscle Recovery


1. Hydrate

When you break a sweat, you are losing essential hydration for muscle recovery and flexibility. If you are dehydrated, your body is not able to heal as quickly or effectively following physical activity.

Make sure to drink a minimum of 16oz of water every day to rebuild your water supply!

Hydrate: Muscle Recovery 101
2. Stretch Before & After Recovery

You accumulate muscle tension and stiffness during physical activity. Promote flexible, pain-free muscles with easy stretches.

Start your day with stretches, and stretch before bed. Alternatively, stretch before and after your workout!

Stretch: Muscle Recovery 101
3. Cool Down Your Muscles - Literally

After exercising or running errands, stretch out your muscles and then take a cool shower. This will fight inflammation and calm muscle tension!

If you opt for a warm bath, make sure to use Epsom salts for muscle soreness.

Cool Down: Muscle Recovery 101
4. Don't Skip Meals or Over Eat

After exercising, it is important to eat your regularly scheduled meals to promote metabolism, tissue healing, and energy replenishment.

Eat protein and nutrient-rich foods to fuel your body and jumpstart recovery.

Don't Skip Meals: Muscle Recovery 101
5. Exercise, Even on Rest Days

Even on your days off from exercise, make sure to get some form of light activity in.

Walking, stretching or yoga will help to keep your muscles warmed up, increase blood flow and circulation, and ward off lactic acid build up.

Exercise: Muscle Recovery 101



Tart Cherry Extract

Dr. Meredith Warner developed these tart cherry supplements for those looking for natural pain relief without NSAIDs and recovery for overused muscles and joints.

Tart Cherry Extract is naturally antioxidant to ward off damaging free radicals, and blocks the same anti-inflammatory enzymes as over-the-counter pain relievers.

Tart Cherry Extract: Inflammation & Muscle Recovery
This product has no images.

Pain Relief + Recovery Cream

This Pain Relief + Recovery Cream is designed to relieve pain on contact with a proprietary blend of PEA, soothing essential oils, lidocaine, menthol, turmeric, rosehip, and more.

PEA is plant- based. It calms pain and sensitivity when massaged into the affected area. Its anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving properties encourage fast acting, natural recovery from muscle, joint and ligament pain.

Oxidative Stress Gummies

These Oxidative Stress Gummies are formulated with CoQ10, Tart Cherry Extract, and Chaga Mushrooms to optimize your post-activity recovery routine!

These ingredients are clinically proven to enhance athletic performance, reduce inflammation, and improve oxidative health.

CoQ10 Plus Gummy: Oxidative Stress + Muscle Recovery + Cell & Heart Health Support
NMN: Combat Aging + Cell Energy + Replenish NAD+

NMN: Longevity Series

Dr. Meredith Warner’s new Longevity series has been curated to help you unlock the ability to slow aging and possibly reduce your biological age.

NMN is a precursor molecule that transforms into NAD+ through a series of chemical processes in the body.

You Can Take Steps To Improve Your Overall Health Today.

Find natural, lasting relief with Well Theory.

Well Theory: Founded To Support Your Health Goals

Dr. Warner founded Well Theory according to her beliefs about functional medicine, or functional wellness, verses conventional medicine.

Take Charge Of Your Health With Well Theory
Conventional medicine often overlooks holistic, long-term lifestyle changes in favor of prescribing heavy pharmaceuticals, recommending harsh and invasive treatments like surgeries, and more in an attempt to stop pain or disease as it occurs.

Find Wellness Alternatives That Work – For You.
I think we all know that conventional and modern medicine is reactionary and piecemeal, whereas good medicine should be proactive and encompass the whole of you and your body’s systems.

How We Support You On Your Wellness Journey:
Functional healing focuses more on supporting an already healthy lifestyle – or adapting routines to create a healthier way of living – instead of merely responding to illness and injury with treatments designed to only address symptoms.

At Well Theory, we believe that you are ultimately in charge of accomplishing your health goals. We just give you the tools and resources you need to get started towards a path to better overall wellness.

We believe that you should be empowered in your health journey.

Dr. Meredith Warner: Orthopedic Surgeon & Inventory of Well Theory

Take The First Step Towards A Life Lived Well:



Dr. Warner encourages you to make an empowered choice. Self-treat your pain at home, first, with natural options that fit into your lifestyle.

Our Goal For You:

Our goal is not to treat the symptoms of illness but to support you in your long-term wellness journey as you transform your health for the better, in a way that lasts.

Ultimately, your body has the tools it needs to self-heal and treat problems. We simply seek to enhance those natural abilities.

Our products and resources are all designed to be worked seamlessly into your healthy lifestyle.

No doctor’s appointments, no expensive pharmaceuticals, no troubling side effects – just natural options that actually work.