What You Need To Know About Metabolism

Metabolism is the chemical process in which the body converts foods into energy. This is one of the most important bodily processes needed for life. Unfortunately, these chemical reactions that take place in these metabolic pathways are easily interrupted causing metabolic disfunction.

About 1 in 3 adults are predicted to have metabolic syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome is a group of abnormalities that affect metabolic function and health that have the potential to result in serious life threatening conditions if left unmanaged.

Metabolic syndrome is diagnose when someone meets 3 or more criteria:

  • HDL less than 40mg/dl for men or 50 mg/dl for women
  • Fasting blood glucose greater than 100 mg/dl
  • Triglycerides level above 150 mg/dl
  • Blood pressure of 130/85 mm Hg or higher
  • Waistline of 40 inches + for men or 35 inches + for women

4 Common Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome

Diabetes: Metabolic Syndrome 101


One of the most prominent symptoms of metabolic syndrome is insulin resistance which if left unchecked can progress into prediabetes and diabetes. In this scenario the body is unable to efficiently make use of insulin to break down glucose in the body into useable energy.
High Blood Pressure: Metabolic Syndrome 101

High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure of 130/85 mm HG or higher is a defining factor of metabolic syndrome. Maintaining a high blood pressure level for an extended period of time puts you at a higher risk of suffering from a cardiovascular event like heart attack or stroke.
High Cholesterol: Metabolic Syndrome 101

High Cholesterol

Metabolic syndrome can cause the body’s cholesterol to become unbalanced causing HDL (good cholesterol) to drop and LDL (bad cholesterol) to increase.
Liver Disease: Metabolic Syndrome 101

Liver Disease

Metabolic syndrome increases the chances of developing Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Metabolic markers includes triglyceride. Metabolic syndrome can cause an accumulation of triglycerides – extra calories your body doesn’t need.

What Are Your Next Steps For Improving Your Metabolic Health?


1. Exercise

Daily Exercise can help improve your insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Aerobic exercise, also known as cardio exercises like walking, running, swimming, and cycling stimulates breathing and heart rate. It is recommended to get approximately 150 minutes of aerobic exercise every week.

Get Regular Exercise: Diabetes 101
2. Dietary Changes

Many health care professionals recommend a Mediterranean Diet for those diagnosed with metabolic syndrome and those at risk of developing metabolic syndrome. This diet consists of minimally processed foods, fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats like olive oil.

Address Anxiety and Stress: Diabetes 101
3. Improve Your Sleep Habits

Insomnia has been found to be a risk factor for developing metabolic syndrome. Keeping a sleeping habit that has you sleeping between 6-8 hours is optimal for metabolic health. Studies have shown that sleeping less than 6 hours and more than 8 hours can increase the risk of metabolic conditions and diseases.

Take Good Care of Your Feet: Diabetes 101
4. Metabolic Health Supplements

Dr. Warner’s Well Theory has a variety of different supplements and multivitamins available that can help you optimize your metabolic health including Berberine, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, & Daily B-Complex Gummies.

Supplement with Well Theory: Diabetes 101



Alpha Lipoic Acid

Diabetes + Nerve Pain + Weight Support

Alpha-Lipoic Acid plays an essential role in the way your cells produce energy. With this supplement, the mitochondria in your cells are supported to function more efficiently, enhancing more efficient energy output.

Daily supplementation of this essential compound can help boost mitochondrial function in the brain and body to promote better energy + enhanced wellness.

Berberine: Longevity Series

Unlock Optimal Aging Benefits Of AMPK Activation

Berberine HCl mimics the diabetic drug Metformin. It increases sensitivity to insulin to reduce blood glucose levels in those with type 2 Diabetes. Glucose in the blood is better absorbed and process for energy.

Daily B-Complex Gummies

This formula helps support energy in your cells, brain, and more by improving nutrient conversion, supporting the healthy formation of new cells and neurons, and enhancing metabolic production.

Helps metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, activating stored energy instead of letting it turn to fat.


Super Antioxidant +Free Radicals + Metabolism

Pterostilbene helps increase insulin sensitivity, which lowers blood glucose levels by converting glucose into usable energy. Weight loss is achievable through stimulating metabolism, lowering blood sugar, reducing appetite, and increasing energy.

Energy Brain Booster (ALCAR)

Boost Your Brain Energy & Motivation

This unique supplement formula contains Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR). ALCAR is a nootropic (cognitive function-enhancing) amino acid derivative that supports your mental clarity by improving the health and efficiency of the mitochondria in your brain.

You Can Take Steps To Improve Your Overall Health Today.

Find natural, lasting relief with Well Theory.

Well Theory: Founded To Support Your Health Goals

Dr. Warner founded Well Theory according to her beliefs about functional medicine, or functional wellness, verses conventional medicine.

Take Charge Of Your Health With Well Theory
Conventional medicine often overlooks holistic, long-term lifestyle changes in favor of prescribing heavy pharmaceuticals, recommending harsh and invasive treatments like surgeries, and more in an attempt to stop pain or disease as it occurs.

Find Wellness Alternatives That Work – For You.
I think we all know that conventional and modern medicine is reactionary and piecemeal, whereas good medicine should be proactive and encompass the whole of you and your body’s systems.

How We Support You On Your Wellness Journey:
Functional healing focuses more on supporting an already healthy lifestyle – or adapting routines to create a healthier way of living – instead of merely responding to illness and injury with treatments designed to only address symptoms.

At Well Theory, we believe that you are ultimately in charge of accomplishing your health goals. We just give you the tools and resources you need to get started towards a path to better overall wellness.

We believe that you should be empowered in your health journey.

Dr. Meredith Warner: Orthopedic Surgeon & Inventory of Well Theory

Take The First Step Towards A Life Lived Well:


Dr. Warner encourages you to make an empowered choice. Self-treat your pain at home, first, with natural options that fit into your lifestyle.

Our Goal For You:

Our goal is not to treat the symptoms of illness but to support you in your long-term wellness journey as you transform your health for the better, in a way that lasts.

Ultimately, your body has the tools it needs to self-heal and treat problems. We simply seek to enhance those natural abilities.

Our products and resources are all designed to be worked seamlessly into your healthy lifestyle.

No doctor’s appointments, no expensive pharmaceuticals, no troubling side effects – just natural options that actually work.