What You Need To Know About Managing Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition marked by high levels of blood sugar. It can result in nerve damage and pain throughout the body if symptoms are not kept in check.

Effects can range from Focal Neuropathy affecting the hands and eyes to Peripheral Neuropathy of the feet.

Those with diabetic neuropathy may experience pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness in their extremities. Here’s what you need to know about managing diabetes.

First there are multiple early warning signs that you may have diabetes including hunger, fatigue, and being extremely thirsty. If you suspect you may have diabetes, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Here Is How Diabetes Affects The Body

Nerve Damage: Diabetes 101

Nerve Damage

Neuropathic pain can develop when long-lasting high blood sugar or blood
pressure levels damage nerve endings. Over time, this can lead to
lasting nerve damage and neuropathy.
Diabetic Neuropathy: Diabetes 101

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic nerve damage can lead to pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness
in the feet – or neuropathy. This can make it especially easy for
diabetic wounds to develop or go unnoticed. Check out our best pairing for diabetic neuropathy relief.
Blood Sugar Complications: Diabetes 101

Blood Sugar Complications

High blood glucose levels can make you more susceptible to developing
cardiovascular disease, having low energy, and other complications.
Risk of Future Disease: Diabetes 101

Risk Of Future Disease

If diabetic symptoms are not managed, you have higher risk of
cardiovascular disease, stroke, and heart attack. Managing your diabetes
is key to avoiding these serious complications.

What Are Your Next Steps For Relief From Diabetic Neuropathy?


1. Get Regular Exercise

Getting exercise every day should be an essential regardless of whether or not you have diabetes. However, getting physical activity every day, when paired with a balanced, nutrient-rich meal, should help keep blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol at healthy levels.

Get Regular Exercise: Diabetes 101
2. Address Anxiety and Stress

Stress can contribute to oxidative damage and inflammation, which can exacerbate your physical symptoms of diabetes. Keep your stress levels low with aromatherapy, self-care, and meditation techniques.

Address Anxiety and Stress: Diabetes 101
3. Take Good Care Of Your Feet

Diabetes can lead to numbness in the feet, making it very easy for wounds and issues like Charcot’s foot to go unnoticed.

Prevent these injuries by inspecting your feet daily, washing and drying them thoroughly, and keeping toenails trimmed.

Take Good Care of Your Feet: Diabetes 101
4. Don't Skip Your Check-Ups

If you have diabetes, regular checkups are essential for making sure your health goals stay on track. Keep all your appointments, and be sure to bring up any changes in your health or symptoms to your doctor.

Don't Skip on Check-Ups: Diabetes 101
5. Supplement With Well Theory

We offer a variety of supplements to help you manage your diabetes symptoms. Alpha-lipoic Acid (ALA) is a naturally occurring, highly antioxidant substance that can help to protect the body from nerve damage and oxidative stress.

Pair this with our Nervous System Multivitamin for an added boost to help manage nerve pain symptoms.

Supplement with Well Theory: Diabetes 101



Universal Antioxidant For Diabetes Support

Alpha-lipoic acid is most commonly used for its benefits for neuropathy.

However, it has been found that ALA may increase insulin sensitivity and help reduce blood sugar by decreasing oxidative stress and inflammation throughout the body, making this supplement an excellent choice for well-rounded diabetes symptom support.

Berberine: Longevity Series

Berberine mimics diabetic drug Metformin. It has shown to increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood glucose levels. Many studies show that berberine can significantly reduce blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes


Berberine has been shown to help control insulin and other hormones that regulate fat cells that can result in significant weight loss.

Complete Nervous System Support + Pain Relief + Optimized Cell Support

Dr. Warner’s Nervous System Multi is a unique formulation helps nutrients reach the cells and remove toxins in the body. Provides an effective dose of Omega 3, Algae, Resveratrol, PEA, & more for total nervous system and cellular support.

Helps soothe frayed nerve endings and reduces neuropathic pain while supporting your cell’s optimal aging.

You Can Take Steps To Improve Your Overall Health Today.

Find natural, lasting relief with Well Theory.

Well Theory: Founded To Support Your Health Goals

Dr. Warner founded Well Theory according to her beliefs about functional medicine, or functional wellness, verses conventional medicine.

Take Charge Of Your Health With Well Theory
Conventional medicine often overlooks holistic, long-term lifestyle changes in favor of prescribing heavy pharmaceuticals, recommending harsh and invasive treatments like surgeries, and more in an attempt to stop pain or disease as it occurs.

Find Wellness Alternatives That Work – For You.
I think we all know that conventional and modern medicine is reactionary and piecemeal, whereas good medicine should be proactive and encompass the whole of you and your body’s systems.

How We Support You On Your Wellness Journey:
Functional healing focuses more on supporting an already healthy lifestyle – or adapting routines to create a healthier way of living – instead of merely responding to illness and injury with treatments designed to only address symptoms.

At Well Theory, we believe that you are ultimately in charge of accomplishing your health goals. We just give you the tools and resources you need to get started towards a path to better overall wellness.

We believe that you should be empowered in your health journey.

Dr. Meredith Warner: Orthopedic Surgeon & Inventory of Well Theory

Take The First Step Towards A Life Lived Well:


Dr. Warner encourages you to make an empowered choice. Self-treat your pain at home, first, with natural options that fit into your lifestyle.

Our Goal For You:

Our goal is not to treat the symptoms of illness but to support you in your long-term wellness journey as you transform your health for the better, in a way that lasts.

Ultimately, your body has the tools it needs to self-heal and treat problems. We simply seek to enhance those natural abilities.

Our products and resources are all designed to be worked seamlessly into your healthy lifestyle.

No doctor’s appointments, no expensive pharmaceuticals, no troubling side effects – just natural options that actually work.