How To Delay Aging In Your Cells
Have you ever wondered what “causes” aging?
The symptoms of aging – joint pain, nerve pain, muscle atrophy, brain fog, loss of bone density, and more – are complex and caused by a variety of factors like Oxidative stress, poor diets, and lack of exercise.
But one factor that isn’t taken into consideration is called “cellular senescence.”
Cellular senescence is the point at which our cells stop dividing and growing due to damage or lack of necessary components.
As cells age, they lose their ability to actively divide. Things like oxidative stress, a lack of essential vitamins, and more can “speed up” this aging process.
The good news? There are ways you can combat this process – naturally, and at home.
How Does Aging Affect You On A Cellular Level?

Wastes Build Up In Tissues
Cells are the basic building blocks of tissues. As they age, and become larger, there is an increase in lipids within your cells. As waste products collect within your cells, they begin to function improperly.

Cell Membranes Change
As you age, your cell membranes change and become more rigid. Many tissues will have more difficulty getting the right amount of oxygen and nutrients, and have trouble removing carbon dioxide and other waste.

Organs Put Under Strain
Due to cell and tissue changes, your organs begin to slowly lose their function. As they work harder to perform their usual tasks, your organs are slowly put under increased strain. This can lead to organ failure, like heart disease.

Homeostasis Is Affected
As your organs struggle to keep up, homeostasis is harder for the body to achieve. Prescription drugs, for example, are processed by your kidneys ad liver. As you age, you will need lower doses of medication as your organs are less efficient at processing these drugs.
Promote Healthy Cellular Aging
The best way you can safeguard the health of your cells and organs as you age is to use them regularly. Exercise often, under the guidance of your doctor, to promote and maintain cardiovascular health for many years to come.

Inflammation is the #1 lifestyle factor behind age and lifestyle-related diseases, like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Eat a diet low in added sugars and sodium. Seek to improve the overal quality of your diet instead of focusing on eating certain foods or meeting certain calorie goals. If you eat a well-balanced, whole foods diet like the Mediterranean Diet, you’ll be well on your way to healthier golden years.

The wear and tear of free radicals shouldn’t be underestimated. Free radicals impact your cells, their mitochondria, and overall function. They contribute to cellular inflammation and if left unchecked, can lead to widespread inflammation throughout your body systems and damage your health over time. Up your antioxidant intake with antioxidant-rich foods, like berries, fruits & vegetables, and supplements like Alpha-Lipoic Acid or Tart Cherry Extract.

Saturated fats are highly anti-inflammatory. Healthy fats, however, like Omega-3’s, are essential to promoting healthy cell membranes and promotes oxidative health.

Instead of focusing on what you no longer can do, or things you can do less of as you get older, focus on all the things you can still do and the lessons you’ve learned from life so far. It’s possible to maintain function, mobility, and age vibrantly with the right mindset and tools for success!

Well Theory: Founded To Support Your Health Goals
Dr. Warner founded Well Theory according to her beliefs about functional medicine, or functional wellness, verses conventional medicine.
Dr. Warner founded Well Theory according to her beliefs about functional medicine, or functional wellness, verses conventional medicine.
Take Charge Of Your Health With Well Theory
Conventional medicine often overlooks holistic, long-term lifestyle changes in favor of prescribing heavy pharmaceuticals, recommending harsh and invasive treatments like surgeries, and more in an attempt to stop pain or disease as it occurs.
Find Wellness Alternatives That Work – For You.
I think we all know that conventional and modern medicine is reactionary and piecemeal, whereas good medicine should be proactive and encompass the whole of you and your body’s systems.
How We Support You On Your Wellness Journey:
Functional healing focuses more on supporting an already healthy lifestyle – or adapting routines to create a healthier way of living – instead of merely responding to illness and injury with treatments designed to only address symptoms.
At Well Theory, we believe that you are ultimately in charge of accomplishing your health goals. We just give you the tools and resources you need to get started towards a path to better overall wellness.
We believe that you should be empowered in your health journey.

Take The First Step Towards A Life Lived Well:
Dr. Warner encourages you to make an empowered choice. Self-treat your pain at home, first, with natural options that fit into your lifestyle.
Dr. Warner encourages you to make an empowered choice. Self-treat your pain at home, first, with natural options that fit into your lifestyle.
Our Goal For You:
Ultimately, your body has the tools it needs to self-heal and treat problems. We simply seek to enhance those natural abilities.
Our products and resources are all designed to be worked seamlessly into your healthy lifestyle.
No doctor’s appointments, no expensive pharmaceuticals, no troubling side effects – just natural options that actually work.